What is B.E.A.U.T.Y.?


To promote self-love, positivity, and build confidence.


To discover talents, passion and purpose.


To create a life vision and formulate goals.


To explore the endless possibilities of life through career awareness and exploration.


To introduce and hone life skills essential for success.


To encourage living a healthy and active lifestyle.

Why we do it

Only 2% of women think they are beautiful...

1 in 3 teens experience some kind of abuse in their romantic relationships. In all these statistics, a common key cause is lack of, or low self-esteem.

I AM BEAUTY aims to help participants love who they are, believe in the leader they can become and equip them with the tools needed to accomplish their dreams. As a result, girls and women become bold, confident , passionate, purposeful and courageous.

Why are we different?

There are a lot of organizations focused on building self esteem and personal development. I AM BEAUTY is unique because of our methods and approach. Our special sauce is that we use a variety of techniques from behavioral theory, meisner method, experiential learning, mastering mindfulness and mirror exercises. Participants let go of the past, gain access to tools to support them in their journey and are liberated to create their own version of success and happiness. The cherry on top is our team leads with rigor, intensity, compassion, empathy, and most importantly ...love.

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